So that’s over for another year.
And look! I’m just a few stitches off completing both sleeves of Glitter Glam. Then there’s just the collar and the assembly to do.
Anyway, Christmas happened. A rotund and elderly chap dressed in red broke into our house via the chimney. But instead of stealing stuff, he left little chocolatey gifts around the place, hidden inside old socks. All normal rules of not-accepting-sweets-from-strangers were off as the twinnage tore the foil wrapping from approximately one billion chocolate coins. Then they left the foil pieces all over the floor so there was a festive jangling noise as anyone walked around.
The boys recited carols in their sweet six-year-old voices, but only when they thought that nobody was listening. I’m treasuring the memory, because soon enough they’ll be disaffected teenagers rapping about how ghastly everything is. Except I don’t think the word ghastly features very much in rap songs. Anyway, it’s important to sing traditional family carols such as – just off the top of my head – Once In Royal David’s City:-
Once in royal David’s city
When the Wi-Fi went all wrong,
Folk were forced to gather round and
Join together for this song.
Phones and iPads set aside;
Kids, their parents did abide.
I could continue. Believe me, I really could continue. But anyway.
As is traditional, the Stoic Spouse cooked so much Christmas fare that I’m beginning to suspect him of trying to murder us slowly by hardening our arteries. It would be the perfect crime. Nice nosh, though.
And then it was Boxing Day, and some sociopath posted an ‘Only 364 days until Christmas’ meme on Facebook.
We went to watch the mummers in the centre of a nearby market town. I use the word ‘see’ loosely because there were about a squillion tall people in front of us. Here’s a photo I took by climbing up a bus shelter:-
In case you’re not familiar with this very British, been-around-since-the-eighteenth-century tradition (mumming, I mean, not climbing bus shelters), take a look here. The best part is a long and topical poem about the year’s events. Needless to say, there was plentiful satirical reference to Brexit, Trump, and the above-average number of talented famous folk who’ve been summoned to the great Green Room in the sky this year.
Of course, at this time of year it’s important to enjoy traditional family games such as ‘Who can figure out why the dishwasher has suddenly stopped working on Christmas Day?’ and ‘Well somebody is going to have to do all this washing up from a three-course meal for eight.’ Also, ‘Look, I’ve been up since dawn cooking so I don’t see why I should wash up,’ and ‘Well I was up at 4am looking after a poorly child’. As well as ‘Well maybe if you hadn’t given him so much chocolate yesterday, he wouldn’t have been sick’. And that old chestnut, ‘Oh, so it’s my fault, is it? Well if you feel like that, we may as well get divorced,’ and finally, a fun round of ‘Fine. See you in court. But you’re still doing the washing up.’
I’m exaggerating, but the dishwasher really did stop working, so in a quaint show of festive togetherness, we all gathered round the iPad to watch videos about how to fix it. And I did the washing up, because between you and me, washing up for an hour is the very best way of getting warm in this freezing house.
Meanwhile, we tried to stay one step ahead of the twinnage’s sceptical questions about the existence (or not) of Father Christmas. Some of these questions were easy to field. ‘Whaddya mean, Why does he come in through the chimney and not the door? You know how hard it is to open our front door, given that the wood swells at the slightest hint of heat/cold/wet/dry. Frankly, even I’m tempted to come in via the chimney.’ Sometimes, the twinnage are more sneaky. ‘Does anyone live at the North Pole?’ Twin One asked with apparent innocence, yesterday. ‘Of course not!’ I replied, and launched into a lengthy explanation about climate and the lack of land mass at the North Pole, silently congratulating myself on how well my sons will do in their future geography lessons. ‘BUT YOU SAID THAT FATHER CHRISTMAS LIVED THERE!’ yelled Twin Two, and I realized too late that I’d been ambushed. Again. Should’ve spotted that one coming a mile off.
On a final knitting note, I received this rather splendid-looking book. I can’t wait to try it out.
So that was my Christmas. How was yours?
Sandy says
Always enjoy reading your blog; this one was so enjoyable I thought I was there in person! Since I was under the weather, I’m glad I couldn’t spread my nasty germs around.
The Twisted Yarn says
Thank you! It’s very generous of you to say so. Meanwhile, I hope that you’re soon feeling MUCH better. There are some really vicious colds/bugs around at the moment.
wendelika says
My Christmas was spread out a bit. I did get some handy-dandy rewiring done to my popcorn-popper-turned-coffee-roaster that I am rather excited about. And the kids amazed me yet again by picking out the most perfect presents for each other. We had some wonderful family time. Thank you for asking! 🙂
The Twisted Yarn says
That sounds like a pretty good Christmas, especially the children giving each other perfect presents. Wishing you lots of happiness for 2017.
captelaine says
I got a box full of yarn that I needed to finish a blanket I’m working on… got lots of knitting done over the holiday, as there are no kiddies at my house now. The grandkids are in college and not interested in a visit to their grandmother. Sigh, they do grow up so fast as you will find out soon enough with the twins… enjoy them during these magic years 🙂 Happy New Year.
The Twisted Yarn says
Well the yarn and the knitting both sound excellent. I hope you enjoyed yourself. But yes, I’m learning that children grow up far, far, too fast. I’m sure your grandchildren will be back lots once they’ve got through their intense college years.
A very happy new year to you too. May it be filled with yarn, and family.
nicolaknits says
Quiet Christmas, nice family time (just the five of us) and good food. Happy New Year to you xx
The Twisted Yarn says
That sounds like a pretty perfect Christmas. Happy new year!
sjoriginalsblog says
Thanks for sharing your traditional family Christmas with us sounds like you had a fun time. It’s my other half’s birthday on the big day so we get to celebrate both occasions. Just the two of us and the freedom to to nothing at all if that’s what we want to do. I chose to finish off an aran cardigan with just the buttons to attach today. Wishing you and all those you love a very healthy and happy 2017. Sarah xx
The Twisted Yarn says
That sounds like a pretty much perfect Christmas(/birthday). I hope you both had a blissful time. 🙂 Happy new year!
nanacathy2 says
A fairly typical family Christmas, honestly portrayed! Enjoy the rest of the holiday. I was at my sons and grandchildren. It had it’s moments!
The Twisted Yarn says
GOOD moments, I hope???
Wishing you a happy, peaceful, yarnful new year.
salpal1 says
we had a fairly normal, quiet Christmas, visiting with loads of family, enjoying the best presents, and food. And the dishwasher kept working. Loved this post, it was like visiting with you in person. Very funny and a nice glimpse into your world. Satirical references to Trump and Brexit indeed – fodder for comedians for years to come. If we survive with a sense of humor!
The Twisted Yarn says
Thank you for such generous words. 🙂 Your Christmas sounds just about perfect – I hope you enjoyed it. (Now may I pop over and borrow your dishwasher? 😉 )
Wishing you joy and yarn in 2017.
salpal1 says
You can bring your dirty dishes over any time!
Elizabeth says
Thank you for sharing your Christmas adventures! Made me truly smile and LOL!! Lovely pictures as well.
The Twisted Yarn says
Glad to be of service! Thank you for your very kind words. Happy new year!
Lindsey says
We visited one daughter and her family one day and the other daughter and her family on the next day. Both visits were lovely. We got home to find a cat had barfed on our bed where my head goes when I sleep. So into the washer and dryer, but… that’s when we discovered our clothes dryer was broken. I spent part of boxing day at the laudromat getting the bedding dry. The belt that rotates the drum was broken. We ordered a new one and have a delivery date of early January. Thankfully I have lots of undies to tide me over. And socks, handknit socks.
This week between holidays has me rearranging and purging crafting supplies. Then I sit down by the fire and read. I think I will be reading a lot for the next four years of Trump. Anything that distracts me from thinking about him is worth doing. I am gobsmacked he will be our president. Do you have any extra bedrooms?
The Twisted Yarn says
Well apart from the cat-barf and the broken dryer, that sounds like a pretty good Christmas. (Thank goodness for handknit socks – at least your feet will be happy whilst you wait.)
Trump. Sigh. If I had enough spare rooms for the millions and millions of folk who didn’t vote for him, I’d offer them gladly. But we’re not immune to voting stupidity. (Brexit.)
Happy new year. Here’s hoping it’s better than expected.
Rainbow Junkie says
Saw lots of my son and fed him for five days running. He helped with the cooking Christmas Eve and Christmas day so that was great. Had problems with the TV for a few days as channel 22 (channels like Dave & E4) started getting poor reception but went in the roof eventually and fiddled with connections to amplifier and now all is better than before! Best bit is that my daughter is over the moon about the present I made for her.
The Twisted Yarn says
That sounds like a pretty good Christmas, other than the dodgy TV reception. Wishing you a very happy new year.
Rainbow Junkie says
Happy new Year to you too!
narf7 says
Without small children waking us up early we woke up early anyway as Christmas Day was a stinker. 35C and at the top end of the Richter scale of humidity we stoically prepared our Christmas feast and ended up finding a lot of Christmas Cheer in the ever decreasing Christmas punch bowl. All in all it was an elegant sufficiency of contentment (aside from the heat. THAT I could have done without!) Glad the twins are keeping you on your (mental) toes Ms T. It keeps you young apparently. We finally finished Narnia and with the burst of hot weather we have been slathered with, everything is growing like topsy (weeds included) so at least “something” is happy about this heat!
The Twisted Yarn says
35?!!! Good grief! Even I’d be tempted to remove my scarf and gloves in that kind of heat. Glad you didn’t completely melt away.
Cricket Fox says
have a great new years. love your blogs and seeng what your up to
Born To Organize says
Phil, I love your sense of humour. I’m sorry to hear that your dishwasher went on the fritz. The holidays can feel like a lot of work when children are young. I missed the Santa years for awhile, but now that the boys are young men really (16 and 19), I enjoy the relaxing day. It was just the four of us as all of our parents have passed on, and siblings had there own plans. I loved the low-key vibe and the company of my men (hub and the boys) and our felines.
Your knitting is fab as always. You have some mad skills.
northmelbournemum says
Now that could become a famous Christmas carol…