Thank you for all your comments about which embroidery method to use on the knitted mandala. The balance of opinion seems to be with outlining the green, so I'll go with that. :-) Anyway, it's been bothering me, ever since a recent outdoorsy blog post. Merely mentioning The Pig Who Says Woof wasn't enough, was it? You need audiovisual proof, don't you, you discerning critics of animal weirdness? So the Toddler Twinnage and I returned to the donkey sanctuary, this time accompanied by the Stoic Continue Reading
Self-portrait in yarn
I've been busy. Not busy doing the sensible things that I ought to be doing you understand, but busy with sticks and string.The 'about' page on this blog needs some pictures doesn't it? Just to give you an idea of what I, and Mr TwistedYarn and the twinnage, and this crazy house actually look like. But I'm slightly wary of posting photos of all of us, so I came up with an alternative idea: I'll knit us! It's taking a while, though, hence my silence for the last few days. So far, I've managed a Continue Reading