Once upon a time, there was a woman who'd never shown the slightest interest in anything sporty (except knitting - that's a sport, right?) And that would have been the end of this story, except that she married a runner. On one of their very first dates, the two of them went for a run in a nature reserve in dense fog and got hopelessly lost. There was probably a metaphor for something in that escapade, but the woman was too tired after her run to bother thinking about it. Fast forward several Continue Reading
And Now For Something Completely Different
Ahem. (By the way, do remember that there's still time to enter the Edward's Crochet Imaginarium giveaway.) I've been thinking for a while that I'd like to do something helpful via this blog, something for charity. The idea hadn't progressed very far when a plan came along of its own accord and plonked itself in my lap. It's a ludicrous idea, and the friend who suggested it wisely did so after I'd had a couple of glasses of wine, in which state I can be talked into pretty much any kind of Continue Reading