I owe one of you an apology. The other day, the Toddler Twinnage and I emerged, blinking and bleary-eyed, from our quarantine in the plague-house, to shuffle over the road to the village shop for the first time in many days. (Um, that probably sounds a little more (melo)dramatic than it actually was. I do realize that there are people out there with proper illnesses who really have something to complain about. But thank you all for all of your kind comments on my last post - they were a very Continue Reading
A Brief Word
A very brief one because, well, chicken pox. And a vomiting bug. Our house is not a healthy place just now. In a few days' time, I'm sure we'll swap round illnesses, just to mix things up a bit. But I just wanted to show you some progress on the big housey crochet project from before I got vomity. I've paused work on the garden to embroider some rambling roses all over the house, because no wonky ol' cottage is complete without a rosebush scrambling up its walls. I used some Rowan Fine Tweed Continue Reading