A hundred hearty hellos to you, my Fine Fibrous Friends. I've chattered here lately about the cardigan design commissioned by Novita yarns. At the risk of triggering yarny catastrophe via sheer hubris, I'm pleased with the result. It's a combination of stranded colourwork, gentle-shaping-without-messing-up-the-motifs, and four (four! FOUR!) steeks. For those of you who were asking about an English-language version of the pattern, I've been told that three months after it's published in Finnish Continue Reading
Oh hello, 2022: you gonna behave, yeah?
I'm going to risk beginning with the words 'Happy new year', on the off-chance that I finish drafting this post before it's time to crack open the Easter eggs, AND on the off-chance that this new year does in fact turn out to be in any way happy. After the horrors of 2021 and 2020 (and 2016, for those of us Brits who treasure our European neighbours), I hope that your 2022 will be at the very least Not Overtly Dreadful. Right now, a merely non-abysmal year would feel like a great big win. Here's Continue Reading
Crochetin’ The Covid
Right, people, lets get straight down to business. I have a new pattern out, in what risks becoming an extensive range of Covid-related knitted/crocheted accessories, thanks to those of you who will insist on suggesting additional products. Please nobody request a laceweight Covidy blanket, because I'm weak-willed in the face of such challenges. The new pattern is available via Ravelry, HERE. But read on, to see how you can get a small discount. We've already had the knitted Covid Cowl. Continue Reading
Would You Like A Hefty Discount On Some Hand-Dyed Yarn?
Sitting down to write this post with knitting and wine beside me is the most normal thing that I've done for a while. I hate the word 'normal', along with the word 'should' - as my patients rapidly discover when I ban both abominations from their vocabularies. But whatever on earth normal is, these past few weeks have not been it. (This whole year hasn't been normal, of course, but you've doubtless noticed that. And if you haven't, then I really don't want to be the one to burst your Continue Reading
Want To Win Some Loveliness?
GIVEAWAY NOW CLOSED. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR ENTRIES. WINNERS WILL BE NOTIFIED VERY SHORTLY. Lately I've been thinking, there's not enough yarn in your life... or yarn-related paraphernalia for that matter. Please forgive me for pointing this out so bluntly but you really need more yarn. I mentioned this fact to the marvellous Suzie at It's A Stitch Up, because she knows a thing or two about yarn if anyone does, and she was horrified. "Not enough yarn?! But, but, but, that's terrible!" What's Continue Reading
I've been learning nålbinding. (Other spellings are available.) Not familiar with the technique? You're not alone. It's what people did at 'Stitch-And-Bitch' nights thousands of years ago, before they got round to inventing knitting and crochet. (And it's still practiced today in some regions, in addition to enjoying a revival amongst historical re-enactment folk.) But I'll save the history and possibilities of nålbinding for another post. It's been a while since I learned a new Continue Reading
Yarn Shop Day
Writing funny blog posts is tricky when things go well. It's easier when your day turns belly-up and you leave your dignity somewhere up a tree in the supermarket car park, but there's nothing hilarious about things working out as intended. That's why I'm finding it hard to write this post about Saturday's Yarn Shop Day event. I can just about work a World War Two air raid shelter and a Victorian actress's underwear into the story without stretching the truth, but beyond that, I got Continue Reading
To The Mill, Again.
Twice a year, the Stylecraft Blogstars meet at Stylecraft's beautiful old mill in West Yorkshire for a weekend of yarn, chatter, food, wine, friendship, scenery, and news. Yeah, the experience really is exactly as gruelling as it sounds. Our scheduled meetup in February was postponed due to snow. (PLEASE STOP LAUGHING, Canadian/Scandinavian readers - our eccentric little country is ill-equipped to cope with frozen water.) Instead, we met in March. I took my camera so that you could come Continue Reading
The Revenge Of The Metallic Gold Yarn
That demonically-possessed gold metallic yarn I told you about? It ran out, a couple of words before I'd finished the back cover of Mary's book. I swear I could hear the stuff sniggering as I tried to eek out the last few centimetres of fibre. So I ordered more, and sat waiting and waiting for it to arrive. By the time this thing is done, Mary's recovery will have progressed so far that she'll have forgotten that she was ever ill. I am a well-meaning but inefficient friend. Fortunately, Mary is Continue Reading
Rowan: 40 Years. A Book Review.
We haven't had a book review for a while, have we? Let's rectify that:- Knitting and crochet often get a bad rap. Both crafts are regarded by some as the fast route to frumpy, style-less, doom*. And yeah, there are some... interesting patterns out there. But hey, it's not as though all the ready-made clothes that you can buy are super-stylish, either. Fortunately there are plenty of designers who do understand how to breathe elegance into their work, and a fair few of those people have Continue Reading